Sustainability is at the core of your corporate values, so where do you start?
Before exploring your options, your organization should consider a few factors, such as your specific energy needs, your internal and external stakeholders, and your organization’s capabilities and interest in energy transactions. Avangrid Renewables is here to help guide you through this process. Some typical ways we can help you incorporate renewable energy into your portfolio include:
Off-Site Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)
PPAs eliminate complications with constructing and maintaining onsite generation by contracting for an off-site utility-scale Avangrid Renewables project. We will work with you to identify the best project for your needs, and you will retain all renewable attributes, such as Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), related to your energy purchase.
Renewable Retail Service
For those institutions that wish to exit their traditional utility and take retail service for their power from a third party, Avangrid Renewables offers solutions for 100% renewable and carbon-free retail supply service.
Avangrid OR RPS Report 2019
Utility Green Tariff
In certain energy markets, green tariffs allow you to maintain your energy service with your local utility under a special tariff. Avangrid Renewables acts as a supplier to the utility specifically to serve this tariff, and you retain the RECs associated with your renewable energy purchase.
RECs Only
Your institution will not purchase any electricity from Avangrid Renewables, but will receive a Renewable Energy Credit certifying purchase of attributes associated with one megawatt-hour of renewable energy- sourced electricity.
Our track record gives you a credible partnership as you design your sustainable portfolio. We have many repeat customers who come back to us because they know we deliver the results that we promise from the very beginning of each relationship.
The Avangrid Renewables team looks forward to customizing a solution to meet your renewable energy needs.