Energy Management
Avangrid offers a disciplined, asset-backed approach to developing innovative customized products that allow us help our customers reduce operational and commodity risk at a highly competitive price. The company’s portfolio of owned and contracted assets, transmission rights, and 24-hour scheduling and Power Trading capabilities allow for the delivery of products and services uniquely tailored to suit individual customers’ needs. We incorporate the most advanced technological tools within our National Control Center, utilize our Balancing Authority, and are developing strategies to meet all future needs.
Power Trading
Through our extensive experience in wholesale energy markets, the Avangrid Power Trading Team provides structured energy solutions and enables large industrial and commercial customers to manage risks and uncertainty. The Power Trading team is one facet of a larger, cross-discipline team that coordinates to meet company and customer objectives. The activities of the Trading team are assisted by:
- Asset management
- National Control Center
- Origination
- Operations
- Credit and Risk Management
- Mid-Office/Contracts
- Back-Office
- Legal
- IT
The company’s portfolio of owned and contracted assets, transmission rights, and 24-hour scheduling and trading capabilities allow for the delivery of products and services uniquely tailored to suit individual customers’ needs. The Power Trading team meets company objectives and customer expectations by:
- Monetizing the Asset Portfolio through market access.
- Ensuring the success of the Avangrid Power Balancing Authority.
- Supporting Avangrid’s Development and Origination activities.
- Maintaining compliance with internal controls and regulatory standards.
- This disciplined, asset-backed approach to developing innovative, customized products allows us to help our customers reduce operational/commodity risk at competitive prices.
National Control Center
Avangrid’s National Control Center (NCC), located in Vancouver, Washington, is a state-of-the-art, 24x7 generation system control room to perform many mission critical functions which allow the company to meet safety, regulatory, contractual, and business obligations. Highly trained and certified staff remotely operate, monitor, and control more than 10 GW of generation capacity Nationwide, including the entirety of Avangrid’s wind and solar fleet, natural gas generation facilities, and third-party assets under Avangrid management.
The National Control Center:
- Satisfies North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) cyber and physical security standards.
- Maintains compliance with NERC operations standards, including generation and voltage set points, maintaining required communications, and data systems.
- Supports safe operations in the field, by notifying field personnel in advance of severe weather such as lightning so that workers may safely remove themselves from turbines.
- Acts as a point of contact and information flow when emergencies occur in the field.
- Provides field services to remotely operate and reset wind turbines in compliance with proscribed protocols.
- Handles planned and unplanned outages.
- Serves as the center of operations for the Avangrid Balancing Authority in the Pacific Northwest.
Balancing Authority
The Avangrid Northwest Balancing Authority is an independent, generation-only Balancing Authority (BA). The Avangrid BA encompasses Avangrid’s Northwest power assets interconnected to Bonneville Power Administration transmission. It is comprised of more than 2,000 MWs of wind and solar generation balanced primarily by 536 MW of combined cycle gas, 100 MW of simple cycle gas CTs, and third-party hydroelectric power. The BA utilizes a combination of owned/contracted resources, hour-ahead capacity purchases, and intra-hour energy purchases to balance the wind and solar assets.
BA operations enable the following key benefits:
- Improved operational flexibility and access to a greater number of market structures that can only be utilized as a BA
- Long-term integration cost certainty, enabling the company to provide improved service at a lower cost to customers.
- A platform for growth through services to customers, thi3rd parties and load-serving entities.
The BA will allow Avangrid to utilize its culture of innovation and technological sophistication to reliably deliver energy to our customers at a reduced cost.
Battery Storage
As a leader in renewable energy development, Avangrid is constantly evaluating opportunities to meet customer needs by incorporating energy storage into future projects as a key component of our comprehensive, cost-effective energy solutions.