Health & Safety

Avangrid has formal health and safety policies and procedures to establish accountability, and fosters an environment where learning and improving are vital. We support a healthy and safe workplace by encouraging a culture of shared responsibility, starting with a firm commitment from the executive team and extending out to bargaining units, management, contractors and each individual employee.
Safety-First Culture
We are committed to providing our employees with a safe and healthy workplace, and we continuously embed a safety-first culture across the company. Doing so builds employee confidence, motivation, and productivity, while encouraging an environment where innovation can flourish. To bring this commitment to life, we provide our employees with ongoing safety training and awareness programs; we use Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S) Excellence Awards to highlight proactive and exemplary safety behavior; and all Avangrid leaders have a portion of their variable compensation tied directly to health and safety goals.
We further engage our employees in creating a safety-first culture across the company through our “Good Catch” program. Here, employees identify and mitigate any workplace condition that may otherwise have caused harm, which allows hazards to be corrected before any injuries occur. Two exemplary Good Catches are celebrated each month, and the best Good Catches of the year are recognized by leaders at our annual review.
We also use cutting edge technology to deliver outstanding training and impactful communications, and seek to create and maintain the type of workplace trust that drives companies to excellence.
Health & Wellbeing
Another key component of our health and safety culture is the emphasis we place on employee wellbeing. Healthier employees are at a lower risk of injury from industrial exposure and perform work more safely and with a lower rate of absenteeism. We place a strong emphasis on wellbeing programs, including support for employee mental health, mental health training for people managers, digital emotional health programs that use cognitive behavioral therapy, and more. We maintain an internal network of mental health advocates, employees who undergo training and volunteer their time to listen and provide guidance to others regarding mental health resources.
In addition to mental health resources, we expanded our onsite prevention and risk reduction programs, such as our early intervention program, which helps to prevent soft-tissue and musculoskeletal injuries. We also organize onsite Benefits and Wellbeing Fairs, and periodically hold influenza vaccination clinics.
ISO Certifications
As safety is a core value at Avangrid, Environmental, Health & Safety has adopted the international ISO standard for occupational health and safety to save lives by improving the safety of employees, contractors, visitors, customers and other interested parties. This standard helps to ensure the reduction of workplace risks and the creation of better, safer working conditions.
Avangrid Renewables and Avangrid Networks both hold ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems certificates:
- 2022 ISO 45001:2018 Certificate - Avangrid Renewables
- 2022 ISO 45001:2018 Certificate - Avangrid Networks
Our Corporate Policies describe in more detail our Environmental, Social, and Governance commitments and principles, and are part of our comprehensive Governance and Sustainability System.
To learn more about Avangrid’s progress in the above areas, we invite you to view our Scorecards or read through our most recent Sustainability Report.