Sustainability Reports


Each year, AVANGRID publishes a Sustainability Report providing detailed information about the company's performance and our ESG goals are the framework by which we deliver our results. Our report highlights our sustainable business model and strategy – ESG+F – structured around stewardship of the environment and society, driven by our governance and financial strength.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a framework for economic, environmental and social performance reporting. The following AVANGRID GRI report provides a detail response to GRI indicators, including GRI’s Electric Utilities Sector Disclosures. It also includes links to sources of additional information.

Sustainability is firmly entrenched in the values and principles that guide our board of directors, and respect for people, safety, communities and the environment are key priorities driving our business success. As a member of Edison Electric Institute and American Gas Association, AVANGRID is pleased to provide investors voluntary information about our environmental, social and governance (ESG) and Sustainability using the EEI and AGA reporting templates, which provides investors and other stakeholders ESG and sustainability information that is consistent across the electric and gas utilities sectors.

Sustainability Accounting Standard Board Reports 

AVANGRID UN Energy Compact

As a member of the Iberdrola group of companies, of which Iberdrola, S.A. is the controlling member, additional information regarding AVANGRID’s sustainability practices and performance is included in the following reports.

You can view past editions of our Sustainability Report here: