Roaring Brook Wind Power Project

The proposed Roaring Brook Wind Power Project would be located in the Town of Martinsburg, in Lewis County, NY. The current project design calls for construction and operation of thirty-nine, 2 MW wind turbines located on approximately 5,280 acres of private land. The Project will also involve the upgrade of an existing 10-mile system of unpaved forest roads, and construction of approximately 5 miles of new gravel access roads. Associated facilities include buried electrical gathering lines, a construction staging area, and an operations and maintenance building. The project will interconnect to the New York State National Grid Taylor-Boonville 115 kilovolt (kV) transmission line near Lee Road. The interconnection route will be comprised of approximately 5.5 miles of buried electrical line and 3 miles of overhead line.

The project is being reviewed by the Town of Martinsburg Planning Board (Lead Agency). The Lead Agency will accept comments on the SDEIS until February 25, 2009. The documentation prepared in accordance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act are presented below.

Contact Roaring Brook Wind


Jenny Briot, Avangrid Renewables
Phone: 315-529-3051

If you are looking for any publicly filed project permitting documents, or can’t find them listed below, please email us.

Site Plan Information

Final Environmental Impact Study (FEIS)

NYSDEC Joint Application for Permit

Appendix A - Figures


Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS)

SDEIS Figures

SDEIS Appendices

Appendix A - Project Construction Specs
Appendix B - Agency Correspondence
Appendix C - Culvert Inventory
Appendix D - Preliminary SWPPP
  • Preliminary SWPPP (11-20-08)
Appendix E - Preliminary Geotech
Appendix F - Wetland Delineation
Appendix G - Summary of Wetland Impacts
Appendix H - Species Lists
Appendix I - Breeding Bird Survey
Appendix J - Bat Acoustic
Appendix K - ISCP
Appendix L - SVIA
Appendix M - Cultural Resources
Appendix N - Noise
Appendix O - Transportation
Appendix P - Communication

Draft Environmental Impact Study (DEIS)


DEIS Figures

DEIS Appendices