Audit Committee

Audit and Compliance Committee

The Audit and Compliance Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors with powers of information, assessment, and presentation of proposals to the Board of Directors within the scope of its functions in accordance with the Company's Governance and Sustainability System and as more particularly set forth in the Audit and Compliance Committee Charter

The Secretary of the Audit and Compliance Committee is Elizabeth K. Riotte. Elizabeth K. Riotte [PDF]

Activities Report of the Audit Committee

Each year the Audit and Compliance Committee (the "Committee") submits to the Board of Directors of the Company a Report of Activities [PDF] of the Committee, which takes into account the year's activities, evaluation of the adequacy of its Charter and an assessment of the Committee’s performance. The Audit and Compliance Committee prepares its Report of Activities in accordance with Section 5 – Performance Evaluation and Annual Report, of its Charter .