
Deer River Wind Farm

Working Together for a Clean Energy Future

Harnessing renewable energy resources like wind can lead to a better and cleaner future for all communities, as wind turbines create virtually no air pollution, no water pollution or hazardous emissions and consume no water. Notably, homegrown energy creates local jobs and energy independence, and helps support a strong manufacturing base in the U.S.

Avangrid Renewables is part of the Iberdrola Group, an energy pioneer with the largest renewable asset base of any company in the world. Our projects have brought real economic benefits for local business owners, schools and communities as a whole. We are proud to be a part of the communities where we live and work and are excited to work together with the North Country community on the proposed Deer River Wind Farm to create lasting economic opportunities for the area.

Submission of Application

Avangrid Renewables filed an Application under Article 10 of the New York Public Service Law on or about Feb. 6, 2019 regarding constructing the Deer River Wind Farm. The Application was submitted to the New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment, and is available at local document depositories as well as on this site  NYSDPS-DMM: Matter Master

On July 13, 2018, Avangrid Renewables filed proposed stipulations regarding the scope and methodology of studies to be conducted in support of its application to construct the Deer River Wind Farm (“Facility”), a wind-powered major electric generating facility, under Article 10 of the Public Service Law (Article 10).

The filing of the proposed stipulations started a 30-day public comment period during which anyone may submit comments on the proposed stipulations before they are executed by the interested parties. Comments should specify the project’s case number (16-F-0267) and should be submitted to the Siting Board through its website, by email at, or by mailing the comments to Secretary Kathleen Burgess, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223.

The full proposed stipulations can be read here.


This notice announces that, on or about February 14, 2020, Atlantic Wind, LLC (Applicant) will file a Joint Application for wetlands and related permits, including a request for a Water Quality Certification (WQC), with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (Siting Board) relating to the proposed 101.4 megawatt (MW) wind-powered electric generation project (of up to 25 wind turbines and related components) to be located in the Towns of Pinckney and Harrisburg, Lewis County, with a Point of Interconnection (POI) located in the Town of Rodman, Jefferson County (Facility), and known as the Deer River Wind Farm Project.

The Applicant previously submitted an application under Article 10 of the New York Public Service Law seeking a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need (CECPN) from the Siting Board. The Joint Application that is the subject of this notice covers the permits/approvals required to construct and/or operate the Project under the Clean Water Act § 404 from the USACE and for Water Quality Certification (16 NYCRR § 1000.8) from the New York State Siting Board. No public comment period is required for the Joint Application at this time.

The Joint Application includes, among other things: a description of the Project, including details on Project components, Project design, Project construction, and related information; an analysis of the environmental setting of the Project; results from analyses conducted to assess potential impacts to aquatic resources, streams and jurisdictional waters from construction and operation of the Project; proposed measures to minimize environmental impacts; and reasonable alternatives. The Application also addresses compliance with the Endangered Species Act and the Historic Preservation Act. 

The Project will have the following environmental impacts relevant to the Joint Permit Application under review. Construction of the Project will temporarily disturb 4.2 of the 940 wetland acres in the project area; 3.7 acres of wetlands will be permanently disturbed from the placement of fill.

Pursuant to the State Siting Board’s Article 10 regulations, this notice is being provided in accordance with 16 NYCRR § 1000.7 and § 1000.8, and will be published at least three (3) days prior to the filing of the Joint Application with the Secretary of the Siting Board. A copy of the Application will be served on the Chief Executive Officer of each municipality in which any portion of the Project is located, as well as those persons and agencies enumerated in 16 NYCRR § 1000.6. 

This Joint Application, when filed with the Secretary, may be examined during normal business hours at the Offices of the DPS at 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223; Atlantic Wind’s Local Project Office in Lowville (7650 North State Street, Suite 1); and at the following public repositories: Pinckney Town Hall, 587 County Route 194, Copenhagen, NY 13626; Lowville Free Library, 5387 Dayan Street, Lowville, NY 13367; Rodman Public Library, 12509 School Street, Rodman, NY 13682. Libraries often have free internet access. 

The Joint Application will also be available at the Siting Board’s website at ( To access documents, go to “Search” on the top of the webpage and search using the Case Number 16-F-0267 or the direct link or by going to the Project-specific website maintained by the Applicant:


Contact Information: 

Atlantic Wind, LLC

Walter Meisner

Avangrid Renewables LLC

7650 North State Street, Suite 1

Lowville, NY 13367

Phone: 315-874-4231 or 
1-844-308-4616 (toll free)


Project Location

The proposed Deer River Wind Farm would include the towns of Pinckney and Harrisburg in Lewis County, New York. The proposed transmission interconnect location crosses into the Town of Rodman in Jefferson County, New York.

Wind Farm Generation Capacity

Approximately 100 megawatts (MW) of renewable wind energy, which is enough clean, homegrown electricity to power nearly 25,000 average New York homes annually.

Expected Local Economic Benefits

125 construction jobs, and opportunities for local construction and construction supply vendors
3 permanent, full-time jobs
More than $500,000 annually in direct lease, easement and neighbor agreement payments to landowners ($15 million over 30 years)
Up to $800,000 annually in increased revenues to county and local municipal tax bases to help defray costs for schools, public safety and county services ($24 million over 30 years)
$3 million estimated project spending on local goods and services during development and construction

Contact Us

Atlantic Wind LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Avangrid Renewables, is developing the Deer River Wind Farm.  If you are looking for any publicly filed project permitting documents, or can’t find them listed below, please email us.

Email Us:
Call Us: 315-874-4231
(If you don’t reach us, please leave a message and we will return your call.)
Office Location: 7650 North State Street, Suite 1, Lowville, NY 13367
Our Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST